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command and control 意味

"command and control"の例文


  • 指揮統制{しき とうせい}


  • sarge , can you tell us where to find command and control ?
  • as well as command and control measures ...
    情報共有や 指揮統制能力を強化するための
  • command and control comes from red crown .
  • is not and should not be command and control .
  • command and control thinking
  • santos where would you put a command and control asset if you wanted to protect it ?
    サントス 「支配管理」を制御している所を 捜さなければならない
  • six separate ops conducted on three different continents , an untested command and control team and a short clock .
    君は恐れてる 6つの作戦 同時に三大陸で 指揮管理は実績無し
  • but it seems , from his notes , that this device can get past the basic firewall security most countries use to protect their military command and control systems .
    記録によれば― デバイスによって― ほとんどの国の軍事システムに―
  • we believe that adrian cross and his people are in possession of it and it's important that you understand that this device can get past the basic firewall security most countries use to protect their military command and control systems .
    エイドリアン・クロスたちが― 犯人です ご理解いただきたいのは―
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